"Community Paediatric Update" CYP Educational Forum
Date(s): Tuesday 20 June
Time(s): 12.45PM - 01.45PM
Format(s): Microsoft Teams
Audience(s): For all primary care staff
Dr. Tamsin Woodbridge
(Regional Community Child Health Lead - South West Severn, RCPCH)
Dr. Frances Hutchings
(Consultant Paediatrician with interest in High Dependency Care, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children)
This FREE forum represents an opportunity to share learning between BNSSG primary care and the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, to support development of attendees' knowledge and skills.
This brief session will explore:
- Clinical Theme: "Community Paediatric Update", to be discussed by Tamsin Woodbridge
- System Updates re. wider care for children and young people in BNSSG
- General Discussion of any queries you may have
If you have any questions, please contact: bnssg.training.hub@nhs.net.