Managing vaginal atrophy

An educational menopause webinar. This event is organised and fully funded by Consilient Health. The speakers slides and views are those of their own. These events may contain information on Consilient Health products. Virtual meetings held via GoToWebinar.

Event overview:

An educational menopause webinar. This event is organised and fully funded by Consilient Health. The speakers slides and views are those of their own. These events may contain information on Consilient Health products. Virtual meetings held via GoToWebinar.


24th October 2023 Managing vaginal atrophy

Dr Anne Connolly - Chair

A GP with specialist interest in Women's Health, gynaecology, accredited as a hysteroscopist and FSRH trainer. She has been involved with commissioning since 2006 and retired as CCG clinical board member with remit for maternity, women’s, children and young people’s healthcare in 2019. Anne is a RCGP Clinical Champion for Women’s Health. She is also co-editor of Women's Health in Primary Care.

Tracey Elliott - Speaker

Tracey is an ANP and Lead Nurse working in a GP practice in County Durham with a special interest in Women's Health and Contraception, having completed the FSRH Diploma, Letters of competency and also the Advanced Certificate in Menopause Care. Tracey is also a Board Director of the Primary Care Women's Health Forum and tutor.



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