09:30 - 10:25
Chair's opening remarks followed by: Identifying and managing facial dermatoses in primary care
Dr Roger Henderson, General Practitioner
Dr Catherine Fernando, GP, Orchard Medical Practice, Haddington
- Rosacea
- Periorificial dermatitis
- Seborrhoeic dermatitis
- Facial psoriasis
10:40 - 11:25
Sponsored session - details coming soon
11:40 - 12:25
Dermatology clinical cases picture quiz
12:40 - 13:25
NICE update - Atopic eczema in under 12s: diagnosis and management including 2023 update
Dr Sanjin Bajgoric, GP Trainer and GPSI in Dermatology, Stainland Road Medical Centre, Priderm Community Dermatology Service
- The diagnosis of eczema in the paediatric cohort and common mimics
- Tips for the effective management of eczema in under 12’s
- Review of NICE 2023 update: atopic eczema in under 12’s: diagnosis and management
13:40 - 14:25
Dr Nassif Mansour, GPwER in neurology and Chair, Primary Care & Community Neurology Society
- What do GPs need to know?
- Clinical guidance for MRI referral
- How does the examination differ for different presenting problems?
14:40 - 15:25
Migraine: What to do and what you NEVER do
Dr Alistair Robertson, GP with a Special Interest in Frailty and Headache, Harrow Health CIC
- History taking and diagnosis; what to ask and why to ask it
- Principles of migraine management; basic approach to acute and preventative strategies
- Non-medical management of migraine; thinking beyond just pills
15:40 - 16:25
Multiple sclerosis
Dr Ben Turner, Consultant Neurologist, Barts Health NHS Trust
- MS is a common worry for patients searching on google
- MS is treatable and early treatment is beneficial
- Will provide guidance on who to investigate and who not
Conference ends