14th January - Learn Share Care Initiative, Neonatal Transitional Care, Study Day

Keeping babies with their mothers after birth is an undisputed national goal. Neonatal Transitional Care is an increasingly important concept whereby babies with additional care requirements are supported to stay with their mothers as opposed to being admitted to a neonatal unit. Implementing Transitional Care has the potential to prevent thousands of avoidable neonatal admissions, reduce length of stay and prevent re-admissions through parental empowerment and proactive risk identification. The Learn Share Care Initiative is a team made up of midwives, doctors and neonatal consultants all keen to provide Transitional Care training to as many midwives as possible. We have been delivering Neonatal Transitional Care Study Days for over 5 years, equipping you with all the knowledge and skills you need to keep these babies safe.

Event overview:

Keeping babies with their mothers after birth is an undisputed national goal. Neonatal Transitional Care is an increasingly important concept whereby babies with additional care requirements are supported to stay with their mothers as opposed to being admitted to a neonatal unit. Implementing Transitional Care has the potential to prevent thousands of avoidable neonatal admissions, reduce length of stay and prevent re-admissions through parental empowerment and proactive risk identification. The Learn Share Care Initiative is a team made up of midwives, doctors and neonatal consultants all keen to provide Transitional Care training to as many midwives as possible. We have been delivering Neonatal Transitional Care Study Days for over 5 years, equipping you with all the knowledge and skills you need to keep these babies safe.


09:00- 09:15 Introductions​

09:15-10:00 Neonatal sepsis and sudden collapse in a neonate ​

10:00 – 10:45 First on scene to a sick postnatal baby simulations​

10:45 – 11:00 Tea Break​

11:00 – 11:45 Paediatric problems in postnates – what to look for​

11:45 – 12:30 Jaundice recognition and management​

12:30-13:15 Lunch​

13:15 -14:00 Feeding and neonatal hypoglycaemia ​

14:00 -14:30 NG tube insertion and troubleshooting​

14:30 – 14:45 Tea Break ​

14:45 -15:30 Management of late preterm babies and thermoregulation ​

15:30  – 16:00 Identifying the deteriorating neonate and SBAR handovers ​

16:30-1700 Expert panel Q&A session and summary of the day

( Programme is Subject to change )

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